Tiky’s table,

where everyone has a seat.

b'tayavon - בתאבון

b'tayavon - בתאבון •

Always a busy kitchen, but never in chaos. Multiple pans bubbling with sauces from her homeland, and the smell of cumin in the air. Drop by any time of day to be delighted by fruit platters, nuts, tea, and laughter. Accommodating to all your needs without compromising flavor passed down for generations. Welcome to Tiky’s table, where everyone has a seat.


Tiky was a creative and generous person — the kitchen was one of many places where she was in her element and her essence really shined. Tiky approached cooking the way she approached Israeli folk dancing, effortlessly, gracefully, with infectious joy… but rarely following the steps. These recipes are a reflection of the way that Tiky danced and cooked— they may be missing precise measurements and exact ingredients but they are overflowing with heart and soul.

The intention of sharing these recipes is not necessarily to enable you to recreate the exact dish, but rather to invite you to reconnect with Tiky in a special way. These recipes provide general guidance about how to make some of Tiky’s favorite dishes, but it is up to each of you to tap into her spirit, laugh a little as you try to decipher her instructions, and honor the memories of these flavors as best you can. And each time you practice your craft in the kitchen, you can fill in the gaps, make the recipe your own, and remember Tiky.


So much gratitude to Maya for filming these videos during Tiky’s final year so that we may all enjoy cooking Iraqi dishes, filled with generations of love, alongside Tiky.